Hello everyone! I am Aimee, one of the contributors here, and I just wanted to take a little time to introduce myself, to you: the readers. I am a 24 year old Army wife (for the past 4 years). My husband and I are surviving our 2nd deployment and are currently almost half way (6 months) through our current one. We are stationed out of Ft. Lewis, WA but I am currently spending this time away from the hubster with my parents and little sister in Indiana. Here are a few questions for your reading enjoyment.
AGE: 24
LAST BOOK YOU READ: Shopoholic and Baby by: Sophie Kinsella
FAVORITE THING TO DO: Shopping, Make-up, Yoga
THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Sarcastic, blunt, creative
FAVORITE FOOD: Since there are too many to list, I will just put that my favorite type of food is Mediterranean food. Mmmmmmm...
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE: Well, firstly I DO notice what they are wearing and how they present themselves physically, but I ALSO watch they way they interact with others. I love people watching. People are so fascinating.
FAVORITE MUSIC TYPE: This is a hard one as my taste is so diverse. I love indie, I love electronica (techno, trance, progressive house), I love classic rock. Those are my MOST favorites.
SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE AND WHY: I would have to say my husband. He works so hard for us and he is always in a good mood and very rarely even complains. He is currently on his second deployment, is the sweetest man I know, treats me like the queen that I am, respects others, and himself, and genuinely loves to help people. He has my heart, what can I say?
DO YOU LIKE THE FLAVOR OF ORANGES BUT HATE THE ACTUAL FRUIT: Why yes as a matter of fact. I can't stand the skin on an orange, even after the peels are gone. I wish they didn't gross me out so much because orange juice is so good.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET READY FOR THE DAY: it depends, daily about 30 minutes to an hour if I'm taking my time. I've gotten pretty fast at doing make-up though, I do take longer on my hair sometimes; it's not my strong point.
FAVORITE MOVIES: Clueless, The Labyrinth, Legend, Pretty Woman, SATC, Garden State, and many more. I actually really love movies.
I hope you enjoyed reading a little about me! I would love to hear about you, and remember if you have any other questions feel free to leave them in a comment!