Remember our every day makeup tutorial? Well here is how you will take it from this:

To this:

If you've followed all the steps in this post and you're headed to a night on the town with the girls, or maybe a hot date here is what you need:
1. A pencil eyeliner preferably (waterproof kohl is great-but any that smudges well)
2. An angled eyeliner brush or an eyebrow brush (one that is a little more stiff and thicker than a normal eyeliner brush) I used a MAC 266 but use what you have.
3. More mascara!
All you need to do is line the top part of your lash line. Remember don't pull your eyelids to do this, just go across with light strokes and start in the middle and work your way out, then work your way in. Don't worry if it isn't perfect! Go along the bottom lash line and remember to make sure in the corners it connects to the line you made across the top lash line. You don't want any huge gaps. Go over this with your angled brush lightly smudging the lines upward. If you have a black eyeshadow you can fill in any holes if you'd like. Do this along the bottom lash line smudging downward. Line your lower waterline and add some more mascara if you'd like. Now you're ready to go!

*Click images to enlarge
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